We can best and the most accurate horoscopes prepared for you
Richa Kumar is a qualified Astrologer who gives accurate future readings through a medium of Horoscope.she is a Professional Certified Consultant who also uses her intuition to offer guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges.
More than 3000 clients have taken advantage of the Consultations which includes Politicians, Actors, Directors, Producers, Anti-Corruption Officers, IT Professionals, Bank Officers, Businessman from around the globe.
When you schedule your Consultation with Richa Kumar, you will receive a detailed and highly accurate reading that covers the aspects of your life where you feel you need the most guidance.
She has a repeat clientele of 99.9%. Join the many thousands of people who have used her services to gain a better understanding of their lives, direction and where they are going
Contact us
+91 9928070834
Why Choose Us

Qualified Astrologers

Success Horoscope

Offices Worldwide

Trust by million clients

Year's experience